frequently asked questions

What Art Program(s) Do You Use?
-Clip Studio Paint
-Wacom Bamboo Fun Tablet

When Does the Comic Start?
it'll start when it starts friendo.
So either give me a follow here on Neocities or Follow me on socialmedia to see if and when i get started~

Can I design my Own Zodiac OC?
Go nuts~ just remember there aren't any hybrid species
Tag me on your socials so i can see~
Do you believe in Zodiac Horoscopes?
*Marge Voice* i just think they're neat

in all seriousness, NO i don't truly believe that what stars in the sky when you were born TRULY reflect your complicated personality or destiny.
(how Capricorn of me)
is it fun to say "i'm so stubborn because i'm a capricorn"? Yeah.
life is finite on this floating rock in space so have fun.

How long did it take you to design your Neocities?
almost 2 months.
Will you start sites for your other Projects?
I would like to, but let'se see how this goes~
How did you learn to code?
I've known basic coding since my Neopets/Freewebs/Geocties and Tumblr Layout days...almost 20yrs
so i'm going to share the basic resources i used when it came to brushing up on my coding skillllz
-stack overflow
-codepen layouts
-website layout builder
-CSS Grid Layout Generator
-lissa explains it all
-scriptied(various resources + tutorials)
-dafont (fonts)
-1001fonts (even more fonts!!)
-creative market(free goods every week from textures, fonts, ect)

Font 1 Font 2 Font 3 Font 4 Font 5 Font 6
Bear Kaomoji
Music Player
lightbox gallery
lightbox gallery(with thumbnails)
tinkerbell sparkle
music player
webcomic format