Skintone varies from pinks+yellows+oranges
horns stop growing in adulthood
all genders grow horns
shape is hereditary
grow from the side or back of the head and curve around the skull
most common shapes:
broken horns CANNOT grow back
All born are born with 4 eyes
Gemini's don't have eyebrows, but if they close their forehead set it can look like eyebrows
shape is hereditary
apparent at birth
vary from small-medium-large
wings aren't fully developed until late teens
wings have become much smaller over time and aren't used for flight
average length 2ft-3ft (60cm-90cm)
shape is hereditary
Primary Diet Vegetarian/Omnivore/Pescatarian
Enviroment -----
all gemini's are born with a twin: identical or fraternal
all twin's have some form of psychic emotional bond

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